Personal finance magazines, newspapers, and blogs are filled with ways to save a little bit on a lot of things.
That's all well and good, but there are a few areas where you can save a lot of money with just a little bit of work. That's where our guides come in.
Each of the guides goes through a list of things you can do today to reduce the price of things you're already paying for. A little upfront work and you get savings the whole year.
That's not to say I dislike the idea of packing your own lunch, but to save $5-$10 a day, you have to become a sandwich artist. I don't think a second job is what you were thinking about when you said you wanted to save money. 🙂
How to Cut Your Cable
If you are paying for cable television, it's probably one of your most expensive monthly expenses… and you probably don't use it as much as you think. I almost never use ours and when our contract is up, I'll be joining the ranks of cable cutters saving hundreds of dollars a year.
Replacing your cable is really simple, really inexpensive, and you can use the money towards your next vacation… something you know you'll enjoy.
Ruthlessly Negotiate Your Cable Bill
When I went off to college, I felt like my parents paid like $10-$15 a month for cable television (this was in 1998, so not ancient times).
My first cable bill after I graduated was around $80 a month! It's easy to see why folks find it so tempting to cut the cord. (keyword — tempting)
If you can't bear to part with cable but still want to save, use our strategies.
Lower Auto Insurance Premiums
I've owned three cars in my life. For two of those vehicles, bought used used, I declined comprehensive coverage.
Comprehensive coverage is insurance that protects your car against damage that is not related to a collision. If your car gets stolen, that's comprehensive coverage. If there's a natural disaster, that's comprehensive coverage. If a riot breaks out and your car gets flipped over, that's comprehensive coverage.
By opting out of comprehensive coverage, I was able to save hundreds of dollars a year and was fortunate in that my gamble paid off. I never had the guts to eliminate collision coverage though! (covers my car in the event of a collision)
That's just one of the (more riskier) ways you can reduce your auto insurance premiums. See the other nine.
More to come —
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